Sundays are different.
We set aside Sunday as a day of rest, worship, family, and friendship, as Christians have done for almost 2,000 years. There’s always something else to do, a project to finish, or a game to watch, but we find that prioritizing “The Lord’s Day” paves the way for a healthy schedule, balanced family life, and spiritual growth. We hope you’ll join us in honoring the Lord on the first day of the week.
Three are better than one.
When you first visit us, you’ll probably join us for the main worship service at 11 AM. That’s great, but we hope you’ll want to get more out of your Sunday, too.
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
If you join us for Sunday School, you’ll get to know people in a smaller setting and participate in a group discussion that will help you grow and get your questions answered. We have classes for all ages and nursery care for infants through age 3.
Morning Worship: 11:00 AM
This is the main event on Sundays. We gather to glorify God with our worship and to grow through the preaching of God’s Word – the Bible. The service typically lasts until 12:15, and then people hang around for a while to talk. You can expect us to sing a few songs (both contemporary songs and classic hymns), read some Scripture, pray, receive an offering (don’t worry, we won’t pressure you), and listen to a sermon. Check the FAQs below for more info.
Nursery care is provided for infants through age 3, and Kids’ Church is provided for age 4 through grade 5 during the sermon time.
We are casual, informal, multi-generational, and friendly. We won’t embarrass you or pressure you.
Evening Worship: 5PM (school year) and 6 PM (Summer)
Come back in the evening for a more intimate time of worship, prayer, and Bible study. We typically sing a couple of songs, pray for each other, and work through a passage of the Bible in-depth with opportunities to discuss and ask questions.
The youth group (6th-12th) also meets at this time over at the school building.
What should I wear?
We are a pretty casual group of people. While you’ll see a suit or two, most people will be dressed casual or business-casual. We want everyone to be comfortable with us, not putting any unnecessary stumbling blocks in front of people as we come before the God of universe in worship.
What is the music like?
Music is a gift from God, the language of the heart, and a primary tool for worship. Throughout the Bible, God’s people bring praise to him in the form of songs. Our worship gatherings include songs meant to bring praise and glory to God, teach and remind us of Biblical truths, and stir our affections for our loving Savior.
We use a variety of musical styles and instruments. On a given Sunday, you might sing along to a centuries-old hymn on the organ, or you could join with the band as they lead us in a brand new song featuring guitar, piano, mandolin, fiddle, flute, drums, and more.
Whatever the style, we want to make sure that our songs are proclaiming the truth as revealed in the Bible. We want to guard the teaching and doctrine of the church as expressed in the songs we sing.
Do I have to give?
We won’t put pressure on you to give. We receive an offering each week as a way for us to give back to God a percentage of what He has given to us. This is an act of worship, obedience, and stewardship. We recognize that everything we are and everything we have are gifts from God. In keeping with the pattern found throughout the Bible, we encourage all Christians to give back to God a percentage of their income and make it the priority.
On the first Sunday of each month, we receive a second offering for ou benevolence fund. This fund is used to meet specific needs of local people.
What if I don’t know what to do?
There’s not much you need to know. We stand to sing and sit for everything else. You can sit wherever you want and there are usually empty seats up front 🙂 Pastor Nick will put the Bible passages on the screen, but we encourage everyone to read it in their own Bible. There are Bibles in the pews, and if you don’t have a good Bible of your own, Pastor Nick would love to give you one. You can also use the free ESV Bible app.
Can I watch a service online first?
Of course! You can watch the live stream live each Sunday morning or later at our YouTube channel. Additionally, you can get the sermon videos at both our YouTube channel and Rumble channel. Note: The audio mix for the band is taylored for the sanctuary and doesn’t sound right on the live stream. Join us in person for a much better sound experience.