Sermon Video Archive
We’ll organize these more in the future. For now, you can access the sermon video archives through either our YouTube Channel or our Rumble Channel.
There are lots of ways to approach the ministry of preaching. Pastor Nick believes preaching is the pastor’s primary way of feeding the flock and shaping the theology and practice of the church. He believes that the pattern or standard for sermons should be…
EXEGETICAL – drawing the meaning and application from the text of the Bible rather than coming to the Bible with an idea and looking for ways to support it. There are times that topical sermons are appropriate, but the steady diet of the church should be exegetical. By approaching Scripture this way, we submit ourselves to God’s Word and allow it to teach us what He thinks we need to learn.
EXPOSITORY – digging into the text to expose and understand what it says. God is the author of Holy Scripture, and we should seek to understand what He is communicating to us. The Bible was written by many different men over hundreds of years, in languages and cultures very different than our own. Through careful study, we can understand and apply what God says to His people even through such challenges.
VERSE-BY-VERSE, CHAPTER-BY-CHAPTER, BOOK-BY-BOOK – We understand God’s Word best when we study it in context. By going through whole books of the Bible and other large sections of Scripture, we avoid the trap of proof-texting and taking things out of context. We gain an appreciation and understanding of the Biblical Story, and our theology is shaped by a big-picture understanding of the Bible.
