Our address is…
53441 Bent Rd
Marcellus MI 49067
Your GPS or mapping app might have trouble figuring out exactly where this is, and once you get close, you probably won’t have cell service.
From Marcellus:
Head east on 216 (Marcellus Highway) for 5.4 miles. Just after passing the Flowerfield Towship Hall, turn right on Bent Rd at the curve. There’s a large red Howardsville sign on the SW corner of this intersection. Cross the river, go up the hill, and the church building will be visible on the left with the school farther back.
From Three Rivers:
Head north on 131 and navigate the “Michigan Left Turn” to go west on 216 (Marcellus Highway). After 4.6 miles, turn left on Bent Rd at the curve. There’s a large red Howardsville sign on the SW corner of this intersection. Cross the river, go up the hill, and the church building will be visible on the left with the school farther back.
From Schoolcraft:
Head south on 131 and turn right (west) on 216 (Marcellus Highway). After 4.6 miles, turn left on Bent Rd at the curve. There’s a large red Howardsville sign on the SW corner of this intersection. Cross the river, go up the hill, and the church building will be visible on the left with the school farther back.