
Thank you for giving to the work of God through Howardsville Gospel Chapel.  There are a few ways you can give to the ministry.

 – Cash in the offering plate or offering box:  Use a giving envelope if you want a record of your gift for tax purposes and to designate any particular giving choices.

– Check in the offering plate or offering box:  You can use an envelope to give more instructions.

 – Online through EasyTithe:  The church pays a fee of about 3% for credit and debt cards and 1% for a bank transfer.  There’s an option to cover that cost yourself.  You can set up a recurring gift, too, so you don’t have to remember.

– EasyTithe App:  Same functionality as online, but through a convenient app.  The church pays the same fees, too.   Apple or Android

– Text To Give: Text “give” to 269-448-4843 to get started.  This uses the same EasyTithe service. The church pays the same fees, too.

Which one is best?  We are thankful for all of these options.  If we had to point you toward one, we would suggest giving through EasyTithe (text, web, or app) with a recurring gift via bank transfer (ACH).  This is the lowest fee method that offers recurring giving.


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